
According to the Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association, fewer than one percent of residential homes in the Phoenix metro area receive flood irrigation. These fortunate homeowners receive thousands of gallons of water delivered to their yards 18 times a year, for a fraction of what non-irrigated homeowners pay for city-treated water used to water their yards.

Windsor Square consists of distinct irrigation areas; each manages its customers/homes differently and receives water on different schedules. The largest section includes the homes from Camelback Road to the south side of Georgia. This section is the Irrigation Water Delivery District #27. It is a duly-organized taxing entity under State law and is governed by three elected trustees who are District members and Windsor Square homeowners and who receive no compensation for their services. The District secretary, also a District member and Windsor Square homeowner, manages the affairs and finances of the District.

IWDD #27 has a warrant account that is funded by a portion of the property taxes of its members. It is used to maintain and repair the District’s irrigation infrastructure (which is over 75 years old and requires constant maintenance). The Trustees also hire the contractors who provide water deliveries to the District and who perform all maintenance and repairs.

The gated communities and private homes along Missouri Avenue, plus the part of 6th Street that runs from Georgia to Missouri, are not managed by, nor are they part of, IWDD #27.

To learn more about the benefits of irrigation or if you have any questions, please contact [email protected].