Colter Street Improvement Updates

From Mike Freret, Windsor Square Board President:

There have been some encouraging developments. I spoke to the City yesterday and – based on our and others’ feedback, they are now revisiting the scope of the project. This is very good news!!!! This revisiting process should take approximately 90 days, and upon completion the City will re-engage with the various stakeholder groups and present their updated findings. While I am optimistic that the updated plan will have taken our views fully into account, it is nevertheless possible that these updated recommendations may actually be identical to the original recommendations that were so troubling to us. While at this point I do not think that this is a likely outcome, we should in the meantime reiterate to the City our opinions regarding the scope of the improvements.

In service of this goal, I suggest that you each send a quick email to Jeff Herzhaft ([email protected]) who is the main contact at the City for the project. It does not have to be complex; just enough to register your displeasure with respect to certain aspects of the Colter Improvement Plan. At the risk of putting words in your mouths, the following would do the trick:


I live on Colter Street and have strong objections to the portion of the Colter Street Improvement Project that calls for installation of sidewalks on Colter Street. To do so would be unnecessary, a misuse of taxpayers’ money and would destroy a huge amount of mature landscape which is one of the things that makes our historic enclave so attractive.  That said, we do support the construction of pedestrian signals at 7th Street and Colter as well as augmentation of the HAWK signal at Central and Colter.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name and Address]

I also encourage you to continue to discuss this with your neighbors on Colter and in Windsor Square in general because not everyone responded to my flyer. Please email me with questions or comments.

[email protected]