The safety and security of our residents is a top priority, and we are proud to have a very active neighborhood block watch program in place.

If you observe a possible crime in progress, call 911 – let the Police investigate. If you see anything or anyone suspicious, do not hesitate to promptly call Phoenix Police – let the trained experts decide how to respond and how to handle it. The 911 dispatcher will transfer your call to Crime Stop at 602-262-6151, if that is the appropriate response.

Block Watch

We encourage all Windsor Square residents to become a member of the Windsor Square Block Watch. As well as looking out for neighbors and reporting suspicious activities to the Phoenix Police, you will receive email alerts and communications, and will be invited to occasional meetings. Contact Suzanne Dohrer at [email protected] to be added to the email distribution. If your neighbors do not have email access, help by sharing Block Watch news with them.

If you report a crime or learn of something suspicious in the neighborhood, please let Suzanne know. She will share news with the Community Action Officer and other neighbors.

Our neighborhood Community Action Officer is Eric Boardman.

Officer Eric Boardman #8722
Desert Horizon Precinct, Phoenix Police Department
16030 N 56th St
Scottsdale, Az 85254
[email protected]

Always report an ongoing crime or suspicious activity to 9-1-1.

For non-emergency or past crimes, call CrimeStop – 602-262-6151.

Get to know your close-by neighbors and consider holding a mini-Block Watch meeting/gathering/get-to-know-everyone social for your specific block or corner of the neighborhood. Share contact info and who to call if something concerning is seen.

Are you going away for a summertime getaway?  Tips from Phoenix Police include (with a few modifications):

  • Before you leave: Have good locks on all doors and windows, and USE THEM!
  • Ask a neighbor to watch the house while you’re away. It’s a good idea to leave your vacation address and telephone number with family or a neighbor so you can be reached in case of an emergency.
  • Never leave your house keys hidden outside your home.
  • Stop all deliveries, or arrange for a neighbor to pick up your mail, newspapers and packages. Ask a neighbor to remove door flyers/hangers.
  • Arrange for someone to mow your lawn and maintain the yard to give the home a lived-in look.
  • Turn on security systems/cameras. Plug in timers to turn lights and a radio or television on and off at appropriate times. This helps to disguise the fact that you are away.
  • Don’t announce your absence on Social Media OR phone messages.
  • Leave your blinds, shades and curtains in a normal position. Don’t close them unless that is what you do when you are home.
  • Close and lock garage doors and windows. Ask a neighbor to occasionally park their car at your home as you normally would.
  • Vehicles parked outside should be moved occasionally to appear that they are being used.
  • Secure storage-sheds, attic entrances and gates.
  • Tell your local police you plan to be away for an extended period. Patrol officers may have the opportunity to periodically check your home. In Phoenix we have ‘Patrol Watch’, ask your precinct.
  • Finally, let your neighbors know to call the police for suspicious activity. They should call 9-1-1 and let the officers check it out.


Summer Safety Tips for Families with Children

Home Security Checklist

Crime prevention and reports

Police crime prevention tips and news can be found at the Phoenix Police website. Our neighborhood, like any, has a few crime reports over the year, and the nature of the crimes fluctuates at different times of year, such as burglaries during times when homes are unoccupied and holidays. Block Watch efforts have helped the Police to catch suspects.

If you have concerns about traffic and speeding, you can:

  • Call Speed Enforcement at 602-534-SPEED (602-534-7733).
  • Send an e-mail to [email protected].
  • Call our Councilwoman Laura Pastor’s office at 602-262-7447 or send an email to [email protected] to lodge a complaint.